It's likely that SAMAA subs will increase to around R250 this year.
Air space
Aeronautical maps will in future show the location of registered model flying fields. This will probably be more useful to full-size aviation than to modelling. Models must always give way to full-size aircraft but at least this is a good safety step.
At a later stage the SAMAA will continue to talk to the CAA about relaxing the current height restrictions over registered fields.
Park flying models
There was a general feeling that park flyers should be subject to as little regulation as possible. Alan Fraser is preparing a draft policy for comment. If you have any ideas on this get in touch with Alan. We noted that some municipalities were thinking of banning flying in their parks. In the light of this it is crucial that we fly safely and with thought for park users.
The status of the SAMAA as an Aviation Recreation Organization
It's still early days in this process. There is no doubt though that it will give us more control over our lives as Aeromodellers. Our standing with the CAA is much higher.
New radio equipment
We are on the brink of seeing the last of frequency control. ICASA is in the process of type certification for the new breed of 2,4GHz radios. The only downside is that it will become increasing hard to buy new 35MHz equipment Alan Fraser warned that manufacturers would reduce and then stop production of such items.
There was some concern over the excess amounts on the SAMAA group insurance scheme. It appears we have Hobson’s Choice. We either take the scheme as it is, or nothing. If any member is aware of a better deal they should make contact with Johan Sieling.
Communication with members
There was general recognition that the management committee needed to improve the way in which it kept in touch with members. Vic de Vries will prepare a draft Communication Plan for comment. Vic is well placed to do this having spent many years in the PR business.
In the meantime the best source of information on any aspect of the SAMAA is Bob Skinner. He welcomes contact with members. Don't hesitate to get in touch with him. All it takes is a phone call.
I don't think 35 MHz equipment will disapear anytime soon. Remember, many parts of Europe use 35 MHz too, and some countries there are even further behind us with regards to 2.4 GHz uptake. I think 35 MHz will still have life in it for years to come. The question is will the local importers continue importing 35 MHz sets for as long...
In the 2006-2007 budget it was very clear that a lot of money were being wasted on postage and public relations. The news letter can be made available on the net and members can have the option of getting it by post or reading it online. Likewise members can be given the option of correspondence by mail or e-mail. The only way that the success of your PR campaign can be measured is by the amount of new active paid-up members and public opinion. Our PR campaign has been, up to now, a total waste of Lotto and members funds! So first make sure that our funds are being utilized in a productive and responsible manner before you even suggest an increase in subscriptions.
It is a positive sign that a management committ workshop is being held but it all means nothing if there is no input from our members. I hope that a questioner will be send to all members gain input and suggestions from them. The attitude that if you have something to say, say it at the AGM is just a sorry excuse for I don’t give a !@*&% what you think!
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