It has been decided to split the two classes as follows. Class 1 Beginner’s moves are mentioned below and at the bottom of this message Class 2 Advanced. I hope we see more of you at the competition seeing that Class 1 does not have very difficult manoeuvres.
Beginner: Class 1
1. Inverted Hover
Used to develop control of the helicopter in steady inverted position.
The pilot will cause the helicopter to come to an inverted hover, ideally directly in front of, but no closer than 3 metres from, themselves. The caller will call start and 30 seconds later, will call end, at which time the model should land.
2. Backward Flight
Used to develop control of the helicopter whilst flying backwards.
The pilot will cause the helicopter to pass in front of themselves in two directions. The first pass can be from either right or left, the second pass in the opposite direction. The helicopter will be flown tail first and parallel to the flight line. The caller shall call start approximately 5 metres before the helicopter reaches a point directly in front of the pilot and shall call end 5 metres after this central point.
3. Climbing/Falling Pirouette
Used to develop use of the left hand in order to cause minimum interaction between collective and rudder controls.
The pilot will cause the helicopter to be brought to a steady hover a minimum of 3 metres in front of the pilot. From this position, the helicopter will be made to rise between 2 and 3 metres during which time a 360 degree pirouette will be performed. Following a short, steady hover in the higher position, the helicopter will be lowered to its original position whilst performing a 360 degree pirouette in the opposite direction to the first.
4. Extended Loop
Used to develop elevator and collective controls as well as inverted flight.
The pilot will cause the helicopter to fly into wind, in straight and level flight, and having passed a minimum of 10 metres to the right or left of the pilot (depending on wind direction), will perform a half loop, then maintain inverted forward flight for a minimum of 20 metres, at which point they will complete the loop and resume level, forward flight so ending the manoeuvre.
5. Stationary Flips
Used to develop accurate use of elevator/aileron, collective and rudder controls.
The pilot will cause the helicopter to hover a minimum of 3 metres in front of themselves and, from that position, cause the model to perform one forward flip or one backward flip, returning to a steady hover at the end of the move. The hover will be followed by a second flip, in the opposite direction, again returning to a hover. These will be followed by two further flips in the aileron right/left (roll) directions, with a steady hover in between.
6. 180 / 540 Degree Rolling Stall Turn
Used to develop accurate judgement of speed and all controls to develop a multi-element manoeuvre
The pilot will cause the helicopter to fly into wind, in straight and level flight, and having reached a point directly in front of themselves will cause the model to enter a vertical nose-up climb, during which a full 360 degree roll will be performed followed, at the top of the climb, by a 180 degree or 540 degree pirouette. The model will then fly down the same vertical line and exit downwind along the same horizontal line.
7. Elongated Roll
Used to develop aileron and collective controls as well as inverted flight.
The pilot will cause the helicopter to fly downwind, in straight and level flight, and at a point between 10 and 20 metres from the pilot’s position a half roll, to the right or left, will be performed. The helicopter will then fly inverted for a minimum of 20 metres at which point a half roll, in the opposite direction to the first, will be performed, returning the model to forward and level flight.
Advanced: Class2
Travelling Backwards Flip x 2
2 x 4 point Forward Roll
540 Bounce
Stationary Metronomes (Tic Toc)
Pie Dish (Funnel)
Backwards Figure 8 (Inverted or upright) Circuit
7. Tumbling Loop
Inverted Nose-in Circuit
Inverted Backward Loops
Autorotation starting from inverted
Kind Regards,
Chris Pretorius
Heli Representative
Pretoria Radio Flyers